cut out / ˈkʌtˌaʊt /


cut out 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. something cut out from something else, as a pattern or figure cut out or intended to be cut out of paper, cardboard, or other material.
  2. a valve in the exhaust pipe of an internal-combustion engine, which when open permits the engine to exhaust directly into the air ahead of the muffler.
  3. an act or instance of cutting out.
  4. Slang. a trusted intermediary between two espionage agents or agencies.
  5. Electricity. a device for the manual or automatic interruption of electric current.

cut out 近义词

v. 动词 verb

excise, remove

更多cut out例句

  1. His house there is a museum with a large collection of his paintings and cutouts, along with some of the recognizable objects he pictured over and over.
  2. The assemblages’s see-through portals include a doggy door and intricate cutouts, but some possible passageways are blocked by wooden 2-by-4s or slabs of blank plywood.
  3. In Major League Baseball, the teams begin a shortened season with stadium seats occupied by cardboard cutouts representing fans, except in the case of the Houston Astros, who use live human snipers.
  4. Empty stadiums were filled with posterboards, stuffed animals and cardboard cutouts.
  5. Skip the typical top crust and try this method for decorative pie crust cutouts instead.
  6. Another showed black crows pecking at a cutout of Switzerland.
  7. In the black-and-white stop-motion animation Dollhouse, Sherman casts herself as a cutout doll from a book.
  8. I squinted through a cutout in the hut: nothing but thick rainforest.
  9. The spandex dresses feature cutout panels on the sides, short skirts, and the word “MAVS” written across the chest.
  10. Their house, she said, had a John McCain poster on the door and a Barak Obama cutout in the living room.
  11. The pencil is drawn along one edge of the cutout so that it will make lines as shown in Fig. 2.
  12. Gault was holding up a large paper cutout of a human figure—a long, rangy man.
  13. He would get the Professor returned by pressing the upper portion of the cutout flatly onto the desk surface.
  14. He would distract the attention of the Entity from Gault by making another cutout.
  15. He reached a hand toward the cutout, the torso of which still bulged upward from the desk.